I was never a fan of Hello Kitty, but I have to admit that the character is cute. And it just got to over-the-top level cute after I stumbled to Joseph Senior's (aka yodaflicker) flickr page filled with incredible creative designs, telling us that Hello Kitty could be customized to become the baddest and coolest toy that even the biggest Kitty hater out there would like. He's got a vast collection of these featuring Batman, Iron Man, Hit Girl, Star Wars and many more which I thought were real life custom made toys.
Unfortunately, these are not true customized toys and are merely photoshopped designs, but still, they make for some great ideas in the future. Maybe Sanrio will do it someday (come on guys, you know you want these). And I have to say, I'm kind of digging Hello Kitty right now as much as I don't want to.
Make sure that you show some love for his work by visiting his flickr account through the links above but for the meantime, check out my favorites after the jump: