Was just browsing the web for some pictures and I decided to create this entry and compile all of the coolest artworks i found from the best artists on deviantArt, which includes top notch artists for Marvel and DC Comics. I don't want to focus solely on comic book characters here so I threw in a couple of classic characters from movies, cartoons, TV, and games.
Thanks to all these fantastic artists for sharing their wonderful works. And without further ado, here are the best deviantArt has to offer:
[Click on the images to enlarge]
Power Girl sketch by *AdamHughes
Iron Man by *AlexGarner
TMNT in color by martegodpopo
GhostRider airbrushed by ~nachomolina
The Flash airbrush by 'Artgerm
Batman - Birds of Prey 07 cover by 'Artgerm
Padme and Yoda by *AdamHughes
The Godfather by ~dsnGiap
DOTA: Rogue Knight vs Butcher by *kunkka
One of my faves. Supergirl by ~abraolucas
The Dragon by kse332
Michael Jackson by ismaelalvarez
Cover for Superman #674 by RenatoGuedes
X-Men Legacy #242 Cover by *leinilyu
You gotta love the style and detail on this one. by marciotakara
X-Men this time by marciotakara
Thor Cover by mikemayhew
Wonder Woman #604 cover by AlexGarner
Green Arrow by AlexGarner
Star Wars Sith by *wraithdt
Lara Croft by *JoeJusko
and finally the greatest hero in this gallery...
Jose Rizal by tagasanpablo