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Apr 6, 2010


Here's a first for you Rubber Room readin' reprobates out there, our phone lines are now open and we are taking your requests. A cat named Ryan took the time to write and axe me to post up my caricature of Northwest rock'n'roll monsters The Wailers which was printed in issue 5 of the ultra-suave Cryptic Tymes fanzine way back in the good old days, so here 'tis for your dumbfounded delectation. I guess you all prob'ly know the Wailers epic tale which ranges from the late '50s heyday of rumblin' instrumental action all the way through to the garage/psych haze of thee late '60s with many a hip pit stop to guzzle a tall cool one or ten along the way. The whole frazzled tale was spun out in the career spanning articool that my late buddy Alan and his wife Lisa inscribed unto those hallowed pages of the last ever issue of Cryptic Tymes back in the mid-'90s. If any of you kids out there have a fave piece of Merinuk art that hasn't yet graced this blog, feel free to drop me a line and I'll do my best to get it up here for ya or know the reason why. Stay tuned for MORE ACTION!
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