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Jul 8, 2010

Rock'n'Roll Animal

I probably spent more time on today's drawing than any other single piece I've ever worked on. It was the cover art for the Rock'n'Roll Animal demo release by one of Winnipeg's best bands ever, The Squareheads. Featuring former members of The Horribles, Mohosimrots and Mo Bi666sley, the Squareheads blasted out a high-energy mix of punk and rock'n'roll for the better part of a decade and are still managing the occasional reunion show. They were at their peak around the time of this demo with original drummer Brian still in the fold. Brian also plays on their one and only full length release, the amazing Persona Non Grata CD. They also have some tunes on compilations here and there, including an appearance on Winnipeg Riot!, naturally. This Animal House takeoff features our beloved dive bar The Royal Albert and caricatures of over 60 punks, drunks and random rockers that used to hang around there in the heyday of Winnipeg's rock'n'roll scene. Drawing this was maddening, especially since I was working from blurry Polaroid snapshots of these people drunkenly flailing around as reference for many of the caricatures. For a swell bonus, you can check out a sticker/logo design I did in the early days of the band below. Stay tuned for MORE U-BOAT ATTACK ACTION!

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